Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's the first of November...

And clearly, I decided I wasn't busy enough with everyday things. In addition to looking for a "real job" while running the business side of dyeing yarn, doing custom and regular colourways, coming up with new colourways - time consuming it its own right! - my brain went "oh, no, not even close to busy enough!"

So what is an overachiever with not even close to enough time on her hands supposed to do? Join in for both NaNoWriMo AND NaKnitMo (Ravelry link). Thankfully someone handed me an extra hour to use for these (un?)wise endeavors.

A notion of my "progress," as it were, for today (keeping in mind, it's not even noon yet):
  • Ordered skeins to be dyed: 8
  • Skeins to work up prototypes for: At least 15 (probably won't get there today)
  • Stitches knit for NaKnitMo: 756, post-midnight, prior to sleep last night
  • Wordcount for NaNoWriMo: 675
  • Hockey games to watch: 3 (Sharks, on now; Caps & Canucks, both on later) + 1 to listen to (my WHL team is on the road)
  • Sleep: so far, 4 hours

Who, me, busy? Oh, and I need to relist some yarns, take some pictures, post some here, mess with the layout some, since I'm going to try and update at least once a week here with my yarnie goings-on. In the meantime, come visit me, you can find me all sorts of places:

My Etsy shop
My Twitter account
My Ravelry group
And of course, here. I hope you'll join me as I attempt to be a crazybusy person without actually going crazy. Wish me luck!